
this is not a love post...


//Inspired by true events//


Johny was wrong...the world hasn't ended...it's in a great condition, ready to squize us like a lemon...I think he knew that from the very beginning...
we can always hijack a plane and run away...wake up on some sunny beach  and start to make push ups just to be ready to face adversities with courage...if we won't succeed we can always come back and do the most tedious fuckin' job in the world...Amen (I have to finish my CV) NAKED


why do we need schools anyway...we should all be artists, performing on streets of big cities...with a bit of talent and luck we can even make a fortune and use public transport only for fun...


newly arrived...





"X" stands for the right choice...Yesterday was the election day...
 the guy who won in my home town, promised to build a few kilometers of an asphalt road...that is s o m e t h i n g!
I'm having an exhibition...opens on sunday 28.11 at 18...would be nice to see some familiar faces :)...more here
//W niedziele 28.11 mam wystawę w tekturze...start o 18...byłoby fajnie zobaczyć trochę znajomych twarzy...
zobaczymy :) //...ziom który wygrał wybory w mojej rodzinnej wsi obiecał że położy kilka kilometrów asfaltu...


Sean Connery turns to me and says:
"Genius of the restoration, aid our own resuscitation!"...

//...w moim ojczystym języku brzmi to mniej więcej tak:
...dobry duchu renowacji wróć nam siły po libacji!//


...fall is coming...or maybe it's already here...I can't sleep and like it a lot...
sometimes it's better not to fall a sleep...not only folks from Elm Street know that...